Lightweight curbstone, made mostly of recycled plastic and provides alternative solutions for heavy weight.
An innovative technological solution that replaces a heavy and polluting traditional method.
Advantages and features:
- Contains 88% recycled material.
- Weight less than 6 kg for one curb (relative to 67 kg for concrete curb).
- Designed for manual installation and therefore improves installation speed up to 4 times compared to alternatives.
- Cut with hand tools – and does not create crystalline crystalline silky dust.
- Extremely durable – significant reduction in shards / chips that reduces repair and maintenance costs.
- 40% – Decrease in carbon emissions in fortification relative to concrete.
- Approved by the BBA / HAPAS * from 2008.
- Approved by Highways Agency ** from 2008.
* BBA = British Board of Agrement is the British Construction Products Certification Institute.
HAPAS – Highways Authority Product Approval Scheme is the UK Highway Authority’s product approval program.
** UK Highway Agency.
A quote will be given by project.